Losely best dauntlees, Crimson mahest ` Russin set out for California late last night. He took with him the admiration and the hopes of the Harvard Elephant Racing Association and of elephant buffs everywhere.
Originally, Peter Goldmark was to company Russin on the venture. But the explicably snafued Transcontinental Airlines lost both mahouts' reservations, and Russin was forced to take a more expensive American Airlines jet. There as not quite enough money in the ERA till to send both mahouts.
Contributions continued to pour in Yesterday, however, as undergraduate donations soared past the $400 mark, staid gifts and sustained undergraduate generosity should push the final total near the $650 goal. Donations are still being accepted at the CRIMSON building and in Goldmark's room.
At last count, 15 elephants were entered in tomorrow's sweepstakes. New stries yesterday included USC and Washington State. In all, it adds up to be hell of a lot elephant flesh.
Crimson fans and elephant lovers everywhere were united last night in the Hope that Russin comes back a champion. Or at least that he comes back.
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