
Clelland Discloses

Radcliffe's South House has appointed Faculty Associates, David C. head of the House, . The associates will in informal House activities and its programs.

Include: Dr. Carl A.L. Binger, in Psychiatry to the Universities Health Services, and Mrs. Binger; Brinton, McLean Professor of and Modern History, and Mrs. ; Raphael Demos, Alford Professor of Natural Religion, Moral Philosophy, Civil Polity, and Mrs. Demos; and Courtlandt Elliott, lecturer on classics, and Mr. Elliott.

named: Frank B. Freidel Jr., of History, and Mrs. Freidel; G. Jameson, assistant professor of history; Everett I. Mendelsohn, assistant professor of the History of Science and Mrs. Mendelsohn; Juan professor of Romance Languages and Mrs. Marichal; and N. Plank, assistant professor of and Mrs. Plank.

other South House associates are: Stewart, associate professor of and Latin, and Mrs. Stewart. John Whiting, Charles Bigelow Professor of Education, and Mrs. Whiting; and Wylie, C. Douglas Dillion professor of Civilization of France, and Mrs. .

Heads of the three Radcliffe now in existence, in addition to Faculty associates, are planning House discussions and dinners. House and library-center may in September, 1964.
