
West Point Defeats Track Squad; Bailey, DeLone, Ohiri Win Firsts

The Crimson track team fell to a surprisingly strong Army squad, 79 1/2 to Saturday afternoon. Crimson in the running events along poor weather conditions were in the varsity's defeat.

Coach Bill McCurdy's team took a place in the mile with a 4:17:6 from Captain Mark Mullin. Ed finished the race a strong and three seconds behind Mullin Army first places in the two mile, 440-yard dash, the 100, and the run as well as in the high low hurdles proved to be more an the Crimson could overcome.

Army's Bill Straub outdistanced Crimson runners in the two-mile smashing the tape in 9:18:2 minutes, with Mullin eight seconds behind in second place. Sweeps of the 100 yard dash and the 220 gave the Cadets a substantial lead.

But it was the Jow hurdles that may have decided the meet. The varsity's favored Jack Spitzberg pulled a muscle while running, enabling Army runners to take first and second place in the event. The injury hampered Spitzberg's high jumping efforts as well.

The team's efforts in the field events were better. Ted Bailey took a first place in the hammer throw with a 191 ft., 6 in. heave, and Rick DeLone won the discus. Broad jumpers Chris Ohiri, Sid Marland, and Marty Beckwith swept that event with Ohiri's 22 ft., 10 1/4 in. leap setting the pace.

The hop, step, and jump event was added to the Army meet for the first time this year enabling another Crimson field victory. Chukwama Azikiwe took first on a 46 ft. 11 in. effort.

Aggrey Awori led the Crimson frosh to a 76 2/3-72 1/3 triumph over Army, winning four events, including the 100 yard dash, the 220 run, and the high and low hurdles.
