Prisons Committee will sponsor demonstration and sale of art to be held off prison grounds history of the state. art show, to be hold at. "The in Cambridge next week, will works of art from all five of the correctional institutions, which served by Phillips Brooks volunteers. state law forbids the sale of made goods off prison premises, of the prisons Committee have permission to act as agents; If decides to purchase a painting, will complete the sale at the then deliver the painting to the buyer. proceeds from the show will be the artists. However, a shortage supplies at the prison in Norfolk couraged the men there to donate of their earnings towards the of new equipment. Student Suggests Idea
this shortage that prompted volunteer who teaches art at Andrew N. Krotinger '65, to first the idea of a show in order funds. With the cooperation of committee chairmen, he approached department, of Correction last month. Department, which has a low education, quickly agreed to give . the hopes for financial success, emphasized the rehabilitative of the demonstration. "These men that they've done something on their own, something that can look upon with pride, as a of real accomplishment." Because "The Gallery" is charging PBH no rental, committee members are optimistic about the financial returns for the prisons. Since this is the first show for most of the inmates, paintings will sell for very little (prices are usually determined by, among other things, the number of show an artist has had), thus increasing the probable volume of sales.
If the show is successful, PBH will sponsor at least one a year in the future, hoping to give the men as much experience as possible. Presently, the PBH show is the only opportunity the inmates have to exhibit their paintings publicly.
"We're remembering that our main one of the Committee's chairmen. "This function is not to raise money," claimed show is only a part of our program, and we're happy because of the boost it's giving the inmates, and the extra degree of self-confidence and pride it's giving them."