
Dean Addresses Council Meeting

Monro last night told the HCUA planned "to take the Council very and offered suggestions for Council studies.

Council on Undergraduate Affairs, observed, "should try to work on trouble spots in the University." Recommended that the HCUA follow example of the Overseers and use of the methods of the Overseers' committees.

that he saw "absolutely no for conflict" between the proposed of House Committee chairmen HCUA, Monro urged the Council itself with matters of long University planning and policy.

Monro discussed the new Arts Center, the Tenth House, shelters, House relationships with and the cost of Harvard areas appropriate for "an student study."

be afraid to look into something like fall-out shelters," . With the possibility of action in the near future on aid program for shelters, Monro desire for a student report by body to supplement the committee report.

project Monro recommended study of the Dudley House in connection with the problem of of the College and the nature of House.

of the Council indicated many studies will be started in the future.
