
Committee Head Says RGA Not Pushing Rules Change

The chairman of the Rules Committee of the Radcliffe Government Association yesterday denied that steam-roller tactics are being used to push through the committee has been studying the current regulations for more than three weeks, don't think Mrs. Bunting is aware of all we're doing," Helen S. A. Garvy '64 said. "We too want careful consideration of the rules." She reported that her committee has been studying the current regulations for more than three weeks to other colleges, and "has talked to hundreds of people."

Addition, the RGA is running a College-wide poll to gather students' opinions suggestions. Last night the Rules committee distributed to all students of the proposal and of the alternative made by Carol E. White '64 at A meeting Wednesday. The group absolute opinions and report to the this week's meeting.

Rules Committee has suggested by student past the first six weeks sophomore year be allowed to but till any hour. In her statement, white urged retaining the present rules, except for extending to an unlimited number of 2 a.m. permissions. Most seniors ready allowed to decide their own.

Rules Compromise Judgment

are proposing a change in Radcliffe social regulations because we believe that each student is responsible for own behavior," the Rules Committee explained a letter appended to proposal. "The present set of rules sizes the validity of individual rent, but compromises it by expection to operate only from 7:30 a.m. to .

that "Individuals are not Miss White stressed that " needs formal, written rules because it is not a community in continuous sense. A quarter of its workship changes every year."
