
'Advocate' Seeks Outside Support to Overcome Financial Problems

After a year of financial difficulties, the Harvard Advocate has planned a meeting with its trustees and Dean Watson for May 1 in New York to decide on the of a fund drive to prop up the magazine's solvency.

The New York meeting is the first move by the literary journal to seek a steady of outside income. President Jaime Urrutia '63 said that the conference may a decision to create a capital fund, but added that he would accept " that works." A permanent endowment giving "something near an income yearly" would be an ideal solution, he said.

plans for the meeting got underway several weeks ago when it became that outside support would be necessary. Because of shaky finances, Urrutia we have not been able to publish the substantial quantity of good material receive." Subscriptions and circulation have become increasingly chaotic, according to the president.

Predicts More Regular Publication

hopes to counter the trend by publishing more often and more prediction and by increasing the circulation to make the Advocate better known at the varsity.

Specifically, he plans a publishing schedule for next year of four quarterly running 60 pages each, contingent on improved finances. As for circulation hopes to have 'free distribution to every member of the college by next . If the magazine would get enough support to afford free circulation, the advertising income would rise accordingly."

The present publishing schedule is virtually nonexistant, Urrutia admitted, as the staff has yet to produce a scheduled issue this year. "We have to regularize the printing--the Advocate has never had a printer's deadline."

He expressed no gloom, however, about the publication's current popularity and reputation. Despite the irregularity of the publishing this year, "We are now in the midst of an excellent competition, and we have just elected three freshmen who have never soon a regular issue of the Advocate."

"But," Urrutia concluded, "to operate as we should, we have to have some outside money, either from foundations or alumni." He said he has confidence in alumni, pointing out that they built the Advocate House five years ago
