
Outside Firm Distribute

HSA Loses Rights

outside professional distributor handle football program sales next B. Pittenger, Director of Information, disclosed yesterday. , the sale of programs at was under the direction of the Student Agencies.

According to Pittenger, the switch is to increase program sales. are so many intangibles in this ." Pittenger commented, "that way to gauge the effectiveness HSA effort is to compare it over years with a professional ."

new distributor, Harold O. who distributes programs at B.U. and is the printer for the Harvard program, will use Harvard students as much as possible, Pittenger present plans call for straight ten commissions for sellers, as the HSA incentive system. It that this will probably lead to for the individual seller old method.

will probably handle the for two and possibly three In order for the Department to his efforts under different such as team strength, quality , weather, etc. If Zimman "materially improve distribution" said he "would be very happy" the job to the HSA again, if they .

action on programs does not affect management of food concessions press box at football games. Pittenger termed "very also will have no effect on the the programs.
