
Deplore Timing

room rent increases after had already chosen the coming year was thoughtless, and stupid," officials admitted yesterday. Wiggins, administrative said that "it never occurred warn Masters that rising labor necessitate the ten per cent, board hike.

Pusey called the timing of announcement "unfortunate," but made at the earliest possible "After all, we could have it later in the spring or over ." Signing room contracts the need for rent rises independent operations," he Everyone is sorry but there was avoid it."

explained that the decision on projections of operating the last six months of 1961. projections could be obtained earlier by using three-month figures, "we would have a lesser degree of accuracy," Wiggins stated.

Commenting on the recent decision requiring final examinations in Humanities 141d and Philosophy 193, Pusey said that the policy of the Committee on Educational Policy is "to grant freely exemption from finals in graduate courses and small undergraduate courses." More than 500 students are enrolled in the two courses taught by Paul J. Tillich, University Professor, in his last term at Harvard.

"The CEP does not like to change its rules in specific cases," Pusey stated.

Dean Monro added that in large courses "only three-hour, proctored exams can give assurance that the student is doing his own work." Exceptions, as that granted Soc Sci 136, are made by the CEP only if the course "has the close Faculty-student relation of a seminar."
