
Drive to Urge Voting Rights Bills

letter-writing campaign in of civil rights legislation will with distribution of leaflets the Yard, and at Radcliffe. backed by the Young the Young Democrats, and Union, will urge Congressmen to vote for the voting bill and a Constitutional abolishing the poll tax.

of campaign workers last J. Rothstein '63, chairman Civil Rights Co-ordinating said that the Mansfield-Dirksen not a road to Utopia." But that the bill, which sixth-grade education will be to satisfy state literacy federal elections, is an step toward full political equal- Negroes.

to Congressmen, even North-, may make the to whether the bill passes or not," claimed. "Not necessarily they will vote for it, but because pressure may make them get out for it."

poll tax amendment, Rothstein "is not so important, since tax is not a significant bar to voting outside of Mississippi." The amendment has been attached to a bill establishing an Alexander Hamilton monument in New York so that it can not be sent to the Senate Judiciary Committee, headed by Sen. James O. Eastland (D-Miss).

After today's leaflet distribution, the civil rights group plans to set up booths in the dining halls and the Union. Volunteers will hand out copies of the Mansfield-Dirksen bill and sample texts for letters and telegrams. For students who want to write on the spot, typewriters, paper, and postcards will be provided at the booths. Also, campaign workers will be equipped with maps of Congressional districts and lists of Congressmen for letter-writers who don't know the name of their Representative.
