
Greene Supports McCormack Race

The president of the Young Democratic Club of Harvard and Radcliffe is taking an active part in the primary campaign of state Attorney General Edward C. McCormack. The favorite nephew of House Speaker John W. McCormack faces Edward M. (Ted) Kennedy '54 in the contest for the Democratic Senatorial nomination for this year.

Harry F. Greene '63 hopes to launch a Harvard Students for McCormack group early next week. He has been involved in the McCormack campaign since December, when he sent a memo to Young Democratic Club leaders around the state suggesting ways they could help.

According to Greene, Harvard students are doing research on various issues to aid the Attorney General in drawing up his platform.

The YDCHR president said yesterday that Edward M. Kennedy's decision to run for the Senate seat vacated by his brother in 1960 was "extremely preeumptuous" in view of the younger Kennedy's "total lack of experience."


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