
Hobbes Alias Groucho to Star In Soc Sci Musical Comedy

"A jug of wine, the Communist Manifesto, and thou!"

"Only from 'Aereopagitica' could such a line come," you say smugly. Starring such outstanding Soc Rel types as Durkheim, Weber, and Charisma Culpepper, this stirring musical drama will be presented by the Lowell House Drama Club Saturday and Sunday, Mar. 24 and 25, at 7:30 p.m. in the Lowell House Junior Common Room.

Subtitled "Escape from Freedom," the play was written by John G. Benedict '54 and Kenneth J. Reckford '54, and is dedicated to Samuel H. Beer, professor of Government and lecturer in Soc. Sci. 2. Thomas J. Reckford '64 is director; Beer is slated to give an introduction.

Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau appear in the play in the guise of Groucho, Harpo, and Chico Marx. But the spirit of social inquiry gets dumped on in the end. The hero is Beowulf.
