C. Crick, visiting professor of Arranged From One Point Certain groups of three bases may not determine an amino acid. If in the original chain ABC was such a "nonsense group," the change to BBC in the new chain will not affect the formation of the protein, Crick pointed out. Thus restoring the second group ACB restores the protein. Actually this description is oversimplified. Crick said, for he feels that more than one group of three bases is necessary to determine an amino acid. Thus while there are only 20 amino acids, there may be more than 50 "sense" triplet groups of bases, groups which influence amino-acid formation. Most geneticists hold this view, Crick stated, but many biochemists disagree, claiming that there are fewer than 30 "sense" triplet groups. Crick's experiments involved the nucleic acid of bacteriophage, cells which destroy bacteria. Each "phage" will only lyse specific bacteria. Changes in genetic structure in the phage can therefore be observed in the failure of the phage to exist on its specific bacteria. At the beginning of his lecture Crick pointed out that geneticists in the past had been extremely reluctant to give up mistaken ideas. "I've often wondered what would happen," he said, "if the gene turned out to be polysaccharide."
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