The Harvard Yacht Club may be able to purchase 15 of its own dinghies before the end of the spring sailing season, Leonard M. Fowle '30 told the club at its annual meeting last night.
Fowle, who has been handling the club's expansion plans, said that work has already begun on a prototype of an interclub dinghy to be tested at Marble-head within three weeks. He said that negotiations are now going on with the Metropolitan District Commission to pick a site to harbor the new boats.
Carter G. Ford, skipper of the Crimson sailing team during its highly successful fall season, was re-elected Commodore of the Yacht Club for 1962. He stressed the need to raise large sums of money to make the proposed expansion a reality. Until this year, the sailing team has rented dinghies from M.I.T.
Guest speaker at the dinner was John Biddle, a distinguished American sailing expert, who showed his classic film on "The Sound of Sailing."