To the Editors of the CRIMSON:
On February 20, 1962, the CRIMSON published an article on mescalin and other drugs. In it the author stated that mescalin when taken by mouth produces no harmful effect. He added, "There is no reason for a normal, healthy individual, if so inclined, not to take mescalin with impunity on occasion."
This statement does not coincide with scientifically observed fact. Besides being misleading, it is irresponsible and, if taken seriously by uninformed individuals, it could do a great deal of harm. Actually the ingestion of this drug can precipitate peychetic reactions in some apparently normal persons. It has been known to increase slight depressions into suicidal ones and to produce schisophrenie-like reactions.
Aside from these strictly medical objections, the use or possession of mescalin and related drugs is a felony under Massachusetts law, punishable by heavy fines and imprisonment. Dana L. Farnsworth, M.D., Director, University Health Services.
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