
2000 Copies Of 'Crimson' Read at Penn

PHILADELPHIA, February 27--A team of CRIMSON editors and Swarth-more College undergraduates distributed 2000 copies of Monday's CRIMSON here today, as the university administration continued to ban publication of the Daily Pennsylvanian.

No attempt was made to hinder distribution. One CRIMSON editor passed out 500 copies in 15 minutes.

About 600 Penn students attended an open discussion of the suspension this afternoon. The discussion led to no real conclusions, but did produce the following statement by Morton Keller, assistant professor of History: "I have found the Daily Pennsylvanian to be poorly written with grammatical errors. But it was a consistently vital and vigorous paper even in its mistakes."

The university's Civil Liberties Committee had called the rally.

A special edition of the Pennsylvania News, a woman's activities weekly, was also distributed today. It contained a news story on the suspension but no editorial. The News staff said that an editorial on the Pennsylvania's suspension might widen the rift between the Penn Student Government Association and the editors of the newspaper.


[It was a parody of the Pennsylvania News done by the Dally Pennsylvanian's staff which brought on the suspension.]

None of the three groups involved in the controversy--the Penn administration, the Student Government Association, and the Dally Pennsylvanian--changed position in the slightest today. The administration repeated that it supported the Government Association's decision to suspend publication, but that the two student groups should solve their differences "between themselves."

The Association is unwilling to lift the ban until the Pennsylvanian changes executive boards; the Pennsylvanian staff repeated its refusal to do so until March 8, the normal date for the incoming board to take office.
