
Twenty to Work With Mexicans

Twenty University students will work and study in Mexico this summer under the Harvard Iberoamericano Catholic Action program.

The boys in the group will build a medical dispensary in the small village of Copilco Alto, just 500 yards from the University of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexican students from the National University and from Ibero University will assist in the construction.

Eight girls who are making the trip will do social work in the same area, although the exact nature of their project has not been decided yet. The Harvard students also plan to lead discussion seminars with their Mexican counterparts.

Students Study Language

Included in the group of undergaduates and graduates are an architect, an engineer, a doctoral candidate in Spanish education, and a girl who has done public health work in Costa Rica.


Those students who are not sufficiently skilled in Spanish are studying the language. Some are taking Spanish A or Bs, or are being tutored privately at the Catholic Student Center.

Further information can be obtained from Edward F. Mulkerin Jr. '63, chairman of HIACA, at the Catholic Student Center.

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