Harvard Combined Charities drive its $27,000 goal by over $700, R. Taylor '65, chairman of the announced early this morning. House turned in the highest total, $500 over its goal of Radcliffe came through with over nearly $3000 over its previous all-high. expressed his thanks to James taylor '65, treasurer for the drive, C. Lewis '63, co-ordinator Radcliffe, and "to every solicitor." breakdown of the drive results made after the final tabulations. Though the fund drive is over, HCC increase its total with the net pro- from a dance in the freshman at 8 p.m. tonight. The mixer will girls from more than 20 colleges music of three bands, including and the Maniacs. The dance is all classes. year the Combined Charities which did not include Radcliffe, short of its $24,000 goal.