
Delmar Leighton

It is unfortunate that so many students in the University know Delmar Leighton only as the Master of Dudley House, for his recent efforts on behalf of the neglected commuters have tended to overshadow his previous contributions as Dean of Freshmen and Dean of the College. His readiness to defend the rights of any student in the University has made him one of the most significant figures in the struggle to build the framework of freedom which is now taken for granted in the University.

Leighton, in serving Harvard almost forty years has done more than become the University's senior administrator: he has become its most effective one. As the architect of the freshman year, of Advisors, and life of the College, Leighton set patterns which the Administration has wisely followed.

In his notably silent manner, he has become not only one of Harvard's most thorough innovators but one of its great revolutionaries as well. Leighton has done so much for the University that it is easy to understand what one of his former freshmen meant when he said. "To us, he was just plain Harvard."
