McGeorge Bundy, special assistant to he President of national security affairs, indicated last night that he was pessimistic about prospects for speedy agreement with the Russians on major cold war issues.
In a "Meet the Press" interview on NBC television, Bundy said that immediately after the Soviets pledged to remove their missiles and bombers from Cuba he had been hopeful of achieving agreement on other problems.
"But our common lack of interest in having a nuclear war does not seem to have brought this agreement closer," he noted.
The former dean of the Harvard Faculty of Arts and Sciences also characterized as "uncalled for" the charge in a Saturday Evening Post article that U.N. ambassador Adlai E. Stevenson advocated a "Munich" solution to the Russian challenge in Cuba.
But he took sharp issue with the contention that the printing of confidential advice to the President restricts the freedom of Presidential advisers.
"If they look at it right," Bundy contended, "nobody will be scared off because of this type of publicity." He added that he thought the Saturday Evening Post affair had left "no lasting scars" in the Administration.
Responding to a question on foreign policy priorities in the coming year, Bundy emphasized the "major change in the outlook of the Indian people, nation and government" after the Chinese invasion. "This offers great opportunities to us," he maintained, "if we don't try to decide their problems for the Indians."
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