
'Crimson' Aids Paper-Starved N.Y.C.

NEW YORK, Dec. 14--As the printer's union strike against New York's nine major newspapers entered its seventh day, the CRIMSON yesterday distributed nearly ten thousand copies of a special New York City edition in a spontaneous move to keep the public informed of the news.

From the United Nations offices of ambassador Adlai Stevenson to the investment houses along Wall Street, from Rockefeller Center and Fifth Avenue to Grand Central Station, City Hall, and the Harvard Club of New York, teams of Crimeds handed out copies of the University daily, crying jubilantly, "New York, we are here!"

If the city's response was not overwhelming, it was by no means as cold as the bitter December weather. "News? Real news? and free?" shrieked a delighted secretary on being offered her first paper in a week. "Harvard ...," she sighed. "Gosh."

Although the thousands of shoppers spilled along Fifth Avenue seemed little concerned with problems of this world, for the city's newspapers, continued unhappiness loomed as the striking printers rejected the publishers' proposal for a 60-day truce.
