
Crimson Squash Team Favored In Match With Engineers Today

The squash team's 6-3 victory over McGill was fairly easy; the 3-1 win over Army was a snap, and today's match with M.I.T. will be a joke. The strongest Crimson racquet squad is years anticipates a 9-0 romp over the flimsy Tech team.

The only interest for spectators at M.I.T. today will be whether the Tech players will be able to score any points at all. This year's Tech squad seems over weaker than last year's team, which was shut out by Harvard.

The squash team is exuding an air of confidence that points to an unbeaten season. "We're loaded," says coach Jack Barnaby. In past year's Barnaby has continually warned his players against overconfidence. Captain Roger Weigand echoed his coach's feelings after the Army match. "This victory is an indication of the kind of season we're expecting," he said.

Vic Neiderhoffer will again play in the first position for the Crimson. Behind him will be Paul Sullivan, Bill Morris, Doug Walter, Lou Williams, Roger Weigand, John Vinton, Ed Robinson, and Allen Terrell, in that order.
