
Chemistry Dept. Agrees To New Science Center

Objections to the projected science center were apparently-overcome yesterday in a meeting of science department chairmen, Dean Ford, and Arthur D. Trottenberg, assistant dean of the Faculty for Business Affairs.

"It seems clear to me that we are going to have a science center," William N Lipscomb, professor of Chemistry, said. The Chemistry Department had objected to earlier plans calling for an exclusively undergraduate science center.

Present plans call for an "instructional" science center which will not be exclusively undergraduate. The center will not be available for "large scale research projects." Each department will maintain its own research department separately.

President Pusey will appoint a committee to work on "the bread-and-butter problems of planning space and conferring with the architects," Trottenberg said. Trottenberg will be appointed to the committee.

No Money Yet


"We are still in the most initial stages of planning," Trottenberg added. "The final decision to build can only be made when we have found the money to finance the center."

The center will provide a science library, modern classrooms and expanded facilities for laboratory instruction. The laboratories are to be shared among the science departments. Plans for a 1000-seat and 500-seat lecture hall are reported.

"We are perfectly willing to go along with the center now," Lipscomb said. "We regard it as a substantial improvement, especially at the undergraduate level, where it was aimed."

The location of the proposed center, at Oxford and Kirkland Streets, poses a long-term problem of access for the science departments. The Mathematics Department will move into the new center entirely, but the Physics Department will move only its undergraduate program into the new building. The Chemistry Department plans to offer instruction in the center and remodel its present instruction labs for research work.
