To the Editors of the CRIMSON:
As the Massachusetts political issues fail to excite me--at this point I couldn't care less who they elect--I feel as if I read the CRIMSON'S Nov. 2 'Weekly Review' with my usual logical and philosophical impartiality. But really, how yellow can you guys get? I agree that the undergraduate careers of Lodge and Teddy are relevant to the campaign--besides a comparison of these two at Harvard is certainly interesting. I fear, however, that the CRIMSON'S attempt falls somewhat short of scholarly research. . . .
Poor, much-maligned Teddy. In the first place, although someone--presumably George Himself--has enabled the CRIMSON to report Lodge's pretty respectable academic record, Miss Levine, writing about Teddy, announces tearfully that the Gov. Department, with an eye to justice, we assume, withholds that sort of thing. Never fear--the CRIMSON has managed to unearth a tutor (no doubt one who believes Teddy to be incredibly evil) with a knowledge of Teddy's "folder" and "... he (the tutor) certainly wishes it could be made public." Great. That's justice all right. "Ted was one of the boys," we are told. Presumably of the wrong kind of boys, however. A clubbie, a spender of his father's money--if not a non-snob, I suppose, then by implication a snob. Horrible. An exhaustive survey, it seems, reports that no members of the Gov. Department remember him. Well, how many faculty members remember Lodge (in terms of academic achievement)? Anyway, who cares whether or not an undergraduate is "remembered?" How much does the faculty care to remember about any of us? We undergraduates simply come and go, as undergraduates will, a never-ending flow. It even appears that Teddy got his major H "in the snowy and mediocre football season of '55." Damn. And as I turn to the last article of the 'Review,' I find that Endicott Peabody, Democratie, candidate for governor, runs--I surmise--on his long-forgotten laurels as All-American football guard. That really annoys me--shape up, you guys. Marie L. Thompson '64.
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