

The Mail

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

May I call to your attention a mis-statement in the second sentence of the article by Mr. Paisner, "The New Centers and Interdepartmental Amalgamation," in your "Weekly Review" of October 27, 1962? I believe it is quite untrue that opposition from physicists has complicated and delayed negotiations for a new science building; may I cite your own Mr. Beyer, on page 7 of the same issue, who correctly states that we favor it! (Indeed, a detailed study of space and facilities needed by the Physics Department in the proposed Science Center was undertaken last winter and reported to the Administration on May 16, 1962.)

Any opposition to a central science building which has occurred has not been due to "something of a tradition of interdepartmental hostility" or to any looking down on each other, but primarily to a sincere difference in assessing the balance of educational advantages and disadvantages in locating so much undergraduate instruction away from the centers of graduate research.

In general, I have encountered nothing but co-operation from other departments in all matters and, in particular, in matters concerning the instruction of students. It is a pity that, as always, this is not "news." William M. Preston,   Chairman,   Department of Physics.
