
'Charities' Seeks $27,000

Planning to test the generosity of Harvard and Radcliffe students to the tune of $27,000, a revamped Combined Charities drive will begin at the two colleges Monday.

Because Radcliffe is included in the drive for the first time, this year's goal is $3,000 higher than last year's. In the past, the separate drive of the 'Cliffe has collected only about $1200, but John R. Taylor '65, the drive's chairman, believes that better organization this year will greatly increase Radcliffe's total.

"In the past, the girls had to go out of their way to give," Taylor said. 'This year, if someone does not give, we want it to be that person's choice, not our fault."

The drive will conclude Saturday, Dec. 8 with a "gala mixer" to be attended by many of the area's women's colleges. The dance, never before a part of the annual fund raising, will be organized by the Harvard Freshman Council and will be open to all undergraduates.

Solicitors will make rounds of all the Houses and dorms every night next week; and will ask for $10 from every student. A brochure will be handed out Friday recommending eight charities to which students might give. Among the eight are Phillips Brooks House and the United Fund. However gifts to any charity will be welcomed.


The drive will begin with a kickoff dinner for all solicitors, House Captains, and officers at Leverett House Monday night. The guest speaker will be Stanley F. Teele, a member of the Board of Directors of the United Fund and a former Faculty member and dean of the Business School.
