MONDAY, Oct. 22-The Student Employment Office announced that students' term-time employment earnings jumped to an alltime high of $759,500 during 1961-2. With 38 per cent of the jobs involving work in the dining halls, the average student earnings rose seven per cent to $420 per year.
TUESDAY, Oct. 23 - The Harvard cross-country team won its closest meet of the season and maintained its undefeated record by edging the University of Massachusetts, 28-29. The Crimson's "Big Three", Ed Meehan, Ed Hamlin, and Bill Crain, placed second third and fourth, as Bob Brouillet of UMass finished first in the Franklin Park race.
WEDNESDAY, Oct. 24 - H. Stuart Hughes, Professor of History and Independent Candidate for the Senate, drew a packed house to Lowell Lecture Hall for a meeting protesting President Kennedy's Cuban quarantine. Hughes criticized the President for what he termed the "contrived and theatrical atmosphere and inflamed language" of the nationally-broadcasted speech.
Two Crimson reporters received the first interview following the President's announcement to be granted by Mario Garcia-Inchaustegul, the Cuban Ambassador to the United Nations. Paul S. Cowan and Frederick H. Gardner were told by the Cuban delegate that the Cuban Government would not negotiate with the United States while under military blockade. The Special to the Crimson was also featured in The University of Michigan Daily and The Daily Californian.
THURSDAY, Oct. 25 - Ten members of the Harvard faculty joined an advertisement issued by various Massachusetts professors endorsing the candidacy of Teddy Kennedy for the United States Senate. The endorsement, which appeared in all the Boston daily papers, cited the Republican opposition to such programs as medicare as justification for Kennedy's election. They also felt that Kennedy would enthusiastically back the Administration's efforts to seek a disarmament solution ending the Cold War.
William S. Barnes, Chairman of the University Committee on Inter American Affairs, announced that the University has received a $150,000 grant to strengthen Latin American Studies in the University. The grant was part of a $1 million grant allotted by the Ford Foundation to six American Universities. The first allotment of the grant will begin in 1963, and will extend over a three year period. The money will be used primarily to enhance a faculty exchange program with Latin American Universities.
THURSDAY, Oct. 25 - Hitting hard at H. Stuart Hughes' policies, Zbigniew Brzezinski, director of the Columbia Institute communist Affairs, urged that the U.S. "maintain the status quo in Berlin" and at the same time "avoid war."
He added that "we must make the Soviet Union realize that the status quo is the best they hope for."
Brzezinski went on to state that if he were in a position to decide he would "initiate an intensive air strike" on the missile bases which have been established in Cuba.
FRIDAY, Oct. 26 - Dean Monro announced that the University had discontinued its formal connection with the Peace Corps because of disagreements in the nature of the Corps training programs. The University had sponsored the training program conducted in 1961 for the Peace Corps group sent to Nigeria. In his announcement, Dean Monro stressed that the University wanted a portion of the training to be done in the foreign country to receive Peace Corps group aid. Peace Corps officials prefer all the training to be done in the United States.
Dartmouth dropped Harvard out of first place in the Ivy League soccer standings with a 2-0 upset victory over the Crimson. Yale moved into the league lead, despite being idle over the weekend. In a very close game, the Crimson controlled the ball through first half, but was unable to score against a strong Indian defense.
SATURDAY, Oct. 27 Harvard dropped its third game of the season to league-leading Dartmouth, 24-6, at Harvard Stadium. Indian defense, which had not yielded a point in their first four games, stopped the Crimson defense on several drives which seemed to be heading for touchdown. The lone Harvard score came on an 82-yard pass from Mike Bassett to halfback Bill Taylor, Dartmouth's quarterback Bill King led the Indian offense, scoring two touchdowns himself.
The Big Green's rugby team was also victorious over the Crimson, winning easily 11-0. The Indians scored their first goal after five minutes of the first period, and from then on had little trouble as their superiority in speed and adeptness allowed them to trounce the disorganized Crimson team.
On a somewhat brighter side, however, the Harvard tiddleywink team edged out a victory over Dartmouth in Phillips Brooks House. Outsquidging and outsquopping their less-experienced opponents the Gargoyles won 10-8, and led the Ivy League in tiddleywinks with three wins and no losses.
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