
Weather Forces Kennedy to Skip visit to Game

At the very last minute this morning President Kennedy decided not to use his bloc of tickets on the 50-yard line for the game.

Andrew T. Hatcher, associate Presidential press secretary, announced shortly after 11 a.m. that the President had canceled plans to attend the Harvard-Yale clash because of "threatening weather." Robert F. Kennedy and Sargent Shriver, however, appeared in the Presidential section at Soldiers Field.

Although Cambridge skies were clearing and sun coming out as Hatcher made the announcement, the press secretary said the Hyannis Port White House had reports of "showers at 1500 hours" (3 p.m.).

The sudden announcement created momentary confusion at the University Athletics Department. Baaron Pittenger, director of Sports Information, said that at 10:30 a.m. the President was still planning to attend the Game and final press arrangements had been made with Hatcher.

Frank Lunden, ticket manager, suddenly had about 50 seats on the 50-yard line without occupants. Lunden was at Soldiers Field and could not be reached for comment.
