Possibly it's time to stop making fun of the Gargoyle tiddlywinkers. The squoppers take themselves seriously, and they're good: undefeated this fall, they have outscored their opponents 301-111.
Today they take on Yale in Phillips Brooks House at 10 a.m. The Yale Daily News will represent the college to the south in its attempt to dislodge the John Harvard Challenge Cup--a hubcap--from the Cantabridgians.
No Wellesley cheerleaders will be on hand to root for the GUTS this time, but about ten Harvard bandsmen will be there to encourage the Crimson. In addition, Sports illustrated has sent a reporter to cover today's contest.
Jim Perry, the Gargoyle captain, is confident that the Yalies will have the honor of being the tenth consecutive team to bow to Harvard. The Elis feel that their skill as world bladder-ball champions will spill over into tiddlywinks, but Perry said that the visitors are "too inexperenced and too Yalish" to stand a chance.
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