The President of the United States, his brother the Attorney General, and possibly his other brother, the U.S. Senator from Massachusetts, will all attend today's Harvard-Yale classic, Andrew T. Hatcher, associate Presidential press secretary, reported from the Hyannis Port White House last night.
President Kennedy and his party will arrive in Cambridge by helicopter shortly before 1 o'clock today at a site about three miles downriver from the Stadium. A Presidential motorcade will form at the landing area and proceed along Memorial Drive to Soldiers Field.
The motorcade will arrive at the football stadium at 1:20 p.m., and the President will be seated in the stands about five minutes before the kickoff.
Bloc of Seats Reserved
A bloc of tickets has been reserved for Kennedy on the Harvard side near the 50-yard line, in the same section occupied by President Pusey and members of the Faculty. Pusey is not expected to sit with the Kennedy party, but Hatcher said yesterday that the seats are very close together, and the two Presidents will probably meet at half-time.
Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy definitely will not attend today's game. Hatcher said that the First Lady will spend the day at Hyannis Port with her daughter, Caroline. Although Attorney General Robert Kennedy will definitely accompany the President, Sen. Edward M. "Ted" Kennedy still was not certain of his plans last night.
Kennedy will leave immediately after the game, possibly a few minutes before the final gun if one team, is far ahead, and return to the landing area by motorcade. Helicopters will then fly the Presidential party back to Hyannis Port.
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