(From our New Haven Correspondent)
NEW HAVEN, Nov. 22--Lights burned late the chancelleries here tonight as editors and heelers of the Yale Daily News, a local campus organ, sought to apply the finishing touches to their Game-time parody of the CRIMSON. The parody has been conceived as some sort of a "get-even" move with the Crimeds, who last year at this time perpetrated an immensely successful spoof edition of the Yalie Dailie on the unsuspecting sons of an Eli.
How will it look, this Yalie parody? "Just like the CRIMSON, only sorta ugliar," promises Jonathan Chapman Rose, Yale '63, of the group, in his recently released Chapman Report on the operation. And what will it contain? Reached by phone here earlier today, Rose was vague, but hinted that the bogus issue might contain a boff announcement that President Kennedy ("of all people") would attend The Game. [The President is, in fact, according to White House sources, expected to be on hand for the occasion.]
Meanwhile, in Cambridge, the CRIMSON is prepared to welcome the parody. "We've always wondered what an ugly CRIMSON would look like," a Crimed explained.
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