We have no choice but to adopt the anti-jay walking law passed by the state legislature," Cambridge Traffic Director Rudolph said yesterday. "And if the walking situation around Harvard Square doesn't improve radically, there will be more than just nominal enforcement of the law sometime next spring." Then the legislature passed the law last spring, it left adoption and enforcement up to the individual communities. unless the City adopts the anti-jay-walking measure, Rudolph says, the Commonwealth will deny Cambridge's legal to enforce certain kinds of new traffic laws. This would apply to motor vehicle or pedestrian rulings at any new traffic light the city installs, or at any traffic light system now operating which underrgoes repair of revision. Lose Right-of-Way
The present law in Cambridge gives a pedestrian the legal right-of-way oncoming traffic, red lights and policemen. Under the new anti-jaywalking law the pedestrian will lose his legal right-of-way, except at traffic signals and ped crosswalks. Rudolph also revealed that Cambridge would abandon its red and yellow traffic lights and will begin to install the "walk, don't walk" signal when the old signals out. We have to have some uniformity," Rudolph asserted. "The other 49 states the 'walk-don't walk' system. There a lot of out-of-state people in Camge and the red and yellow signal confusion." rold Goyette, and official at the Har Planning Office, said that he was athetic to any "rational" attempts leviate the congested flow of people, cies, and cars around the University. pedestrians should be made sub to some laws to keep them from killed," he said. did not say, however exactly what sures would be taken to enforce ew laws nor in what ways offenders be punished.