
Halloween Slogs By, Quiet and Moist

A bad year for Halloween.

Two enterprising little boys went into Tommy's and asked for hamburgers.

Seventeen (count 'em) ten-year-old girls circled the Radcliffe quad. In Whitman every single 'Cliffie said independently either "Isn't this lovely!" or "Isn't this great!" or "Isn't this wonderful!"

In Briggs, a conscientious student explained to the third and fourth graders "There is one thing you don't understand. This is not a house in the conventional sense of the word house..."

One Harvard student was approached by an uncostumed group of little trick or treaters. They said they were 16 years old. The oldest one and the biggest one each claimed exclusive rights to the treat offered.


One jack o'Jantern was in one window in Cambridge.

It rained.

Most people forgot.
