
House Freshman


The modernization of Weld Hall over the summer has enabled the freshman deans office to accommodate the unexpected two-per-cent rise in entering freshmen this year, according to L. Fred Jewett '57, senior adviser to freshmen.

Weld's capacity, now 118 men, was increased by 47 spaces during the summer. Although two entries in Wigglesworth Hall were relinquished to Dudley House, the increase in Weld provided an extra margin for 10 to 15 students.

The freshman class had been swelled by a high rate of acceptance by students granted admission, which exceeded the class of 1965 by 33 students. During the summer, Jewett found that he would have to accommodate approximately more students than had lived in the dorms last year.

The committee in charge of freshman housing at first feared that there would not be enough rooms to absorb this influx. The architect for Weld had originally submitted a report which set the renovated hall's capacity at only about 100 spaces.

The reappraisal of Weld's capacity created enough additional space to allow deconverting several "crowded" suites in Thayer Hall. The situation, according to Jewett, is "now extremely comfortable."
