
Nat Sci Courses Turn Away 46

Toughened prerequisite requirements have technically excluded 46 freshmen from lower level courses in the Natural Sciences.

Dean K. Whitla, director of the Office of Tests, said yesterday that no recommendations for Nat Sci courses were made to the 46. His office sends placement recommendations to all freshmen for General Education and language courses. Recommendations are based on examinations and high school credits.

F. Skiddy von Stade Jr., dean of Freshmen, noted that several students had been accepted into the courses despite apparent deficiencies.

The others, he said, delayed taking Nat Sci courses until their sophomore year. Beginning this fall, all six lower level level Natural Science courses require preliminary high school science or math training. The one course that had no prerequisites, Natural Sciences 1, was dropped.

Both Whitla and Von Stade expected further study of the new requirements.
