
Lowell Opera Society To Perform on WGBH

The Lowell House Opera Society will appear on WGBH-TV in December with a production of a seventeenth century madrigal-comedy by Banchieri, which it first performed last year.

After seeing tapes of the Lowell House production, Jordan Whitelaw, musical program planner for WGBH, decided to schedule the comedy as the Christmas show on "Performance," a weekly half-hour program of live music. Sandy Lockett, an employee of Audio Lab in Cambridge, and Parker Swanson '62 are the co-directors of the show.

David Sloss '61, a producer-trainee at WGBH-TV, said he hoped that the programing would provide "a needed shot in the arm for the Lowell House Opera Society, and for opera interest at Harvard in general."

Last year, the Society's production of "The Beggar's Opera," scheduled for the Loeb main stage, folded because the leading singers dropped out.

Sloss and the directors plan to reblock several scenes to fit into WGBH's limited studio area before taping the opera.


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