
Cross Country Squad Tops Favored Brown

Veterans Eddic Meehan and Ed Hamlin paced the cross country team to a dramatic upset victory over a powerful Brown team at Franklin Park yesterday. Hamlin, whose come from be hind second place may have been the key to the 27-29 win, called it "a great victory, one we wanted very badly."

Meehan finished first for the Crimson in the respectable time of 25:57, followed by Hamlin in 26:11. Brown's Dave Farley, last year's winner and the favorite yesterday, finished fourth, while Bruins Jones, Rothenberg, and Boog grabbed third, fifth, and sixth Harvard men Bill Crane, Jack D'Arcy, Dick Hawkins and Bob Anschuetz filled the remaining places with Anschuetz displacing Brown's fifth man for the extra point.

Meehan and Hamlin led the harriers for the first two miles, but at that point Hamlin felt the effects of a touch of flu and dropped back behind Brown's Boog. The runners remained rather loosely strung out until the four mile mark when Hamlin passed Boog and managed to hold off a fast finish by Jones for the crucial second place. Meehan led all the way.

The Crimson faces Penn and Columbia next Friday and should have no trouble snatching its fourth victory. The next big meets will be Massachusetts on October '23 and Princeton on November 2. Both teams are good, but Brown had been rated the toughest opponent of the season.
