
Idlers Indifferent to Approaching Exams

Okay, group, we now have exactly ten days before exams. But be of good cheer; the important thing is to keep believing in yourself. In case you run out of good nationalizations for not starting to study, here are a few seat have proved very satisfying.

(The persons interviewed have requested that their names be withheld.)

I really have to finish this row. (Only good if you're knitting.)

My fingers are double jointed so it hurts me to use a regular typewriter and the girl with an electric typewriter isk in Wisconsin.

I'm busy taking a poll finding out why people haven't started studying.


I don't know when finals are.

Studying makes me feel sick.

When I go into Mem Hall I forget everything anyhow.

For June? Why?

My sister goes to N.Y.U.

I'm not taking any courses.

My uncle is on the Administrative Board.

I know it all already.

Ha ha ha ha.

Hysterical weeping.
