
Foundation Gives $196,000 Grant To University

The Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation has awarded $196,000 to Harvard graduate schools and $82,000 to Radcliffe College, or $2,000 for each Wilson fellowship holder now studying here, the Foundation has announced.

A total of $2,148,000 will be distributed this year to eighty-four graduate schools in the United States and Canada. The University of California at Berkley will receive the largest grant, $200,000. Columbia was awarded $198,000, Yale $162,000, and Stanford $108,000 in other large awards announced Sir Hugh Taylor, the Foundation president.

The grants are intended to encourage gifted students to enter college teaching, and are given to graduate schools with the stipulation that three-fourths of the money be used for fellowships to students beyond the first year of graduate school. The Foundation grants fellowships directly to students only for the first year of graduate study.

Holders of Wilson fellowships will compete for the grants in the second and later years of graduate study on an equal basis with other graduate students interested in teaching as a profession. No requirements have been set for the use of the remaining one-quarter of the grants not earmarked for fellowships.

Current awards will bring to $7,500,000 the total amount distributed since 1958 when a Ford Foundation grant of $24,500,000 launched the Woodrow Wilson Fellowship program.
