
'Cliffe Heads of Houses Will Have Dorm Offices

The new Heads of the Radcliffe Houses will move into offices in the College dormitories next September and may eventually have living quarters there, according to President Bunting.

She stressed, however, that Heads of Houses will not be required to become residents as they are at Harvard. At the moment, she noted, Radcliffe does not have rooms to accommodate them. When Faculty wings are built for the Houses, the Heads will probably have their choice between living there or in private houses.

The three Heads (David C. McClelland, professor of Psychology; Harold C. Martin, lecturer on Comparative Literature and Director of General Education A, and Kenneth V. Thimann, professor of Biology) will begin co-ordinating House activities this Spring.

They will investigate Radcliffe's currently inoperative Faculty affiliate program, and solicit student opinions on ways to revise or improve it. Under the plan, each dorm selected a few Faculty members and several section men and tutros who were allowed free dining privileges.

President Bunting emphasized that the Heads of Houses, announced two weeks ago, are not expected to make radical changes immediately. "We want to give them a chance to look around and talk to the students," she said.


In connection with the appointment of the Heads of Houses, she predicted that "in the distant future" all of the dormitory Head Residents may be graduate students or young married couples.

Commenting on the proposed merger of the Harvard and Radcliffe Graduate Schools, she reported that legal advisers are now studying the technical details of the plan before presenting it to the Harvard Corporation and the Radcliffe Council for final ratification. The Faculty has already voted approval of the move.
