
Hockey Varsity to Oppose Dartmouth Here Saturday

There is a certain mystery about Dartmouth's hockey team that should be solved when it meets the varsity sextet at Watson rink tomorrow night at 8 p.m.

Is the Indians' team as weak as its record thus far indicates? And if it is how did it manage to give a good Boston College team such a fight last week? In that game, the Green held the Eagles to a 3-3 tie until part way through the third period before losing 6 to 3.

Dartmouth supporters obviously claim that their team is getting a late start and emerges stronger after each game. That, of course, does not explain why the Green lost to Cornell last Monday, but it does pose some sort of a threat to the Crimson which now has a slight lead in the doggie race for the unofficial title of Eastern college hockey supremacy.

Whether that threat is a legitimate one, Cooney Weiland's team will find out for itself tomorrow. At least one factor should be in its favor, however, and that is the man who crouches in Dartmouth's nets. He's really not a goalie at all but a converted forward. This should make a big difference tomorrow--if the Crimson lines don't hesitate to shoot.

The varsity played extremely well in beating Boston College Wednesday although both teams were about even in the actual number of shots taken. An outstanding performance by goalie Godfrey Wood meant a great deal in the game and covered up whatever deficiency there was in the Crimson shooting.


This should be something to watch for in the Dartmouth game. The three Crimson lines are making plays now that would scare even the giants out West but they have yet to show a consistent ability in converting plays into goals.

Undergraduates may obtain tickets for the game with coupons at 60 Boylston Street until 5 p.m. today.
