
Shopping Around: M.W.F.

The Coursegoer

"I came to sip," Ogden Nash has written on the cover of Helen Bevington's new book of very light verse, "and stayed to gulp." Searching for similarly unanticipated delights, the CRIMSON presents, as is its wont, a brace of courses that cheer and may inebriate.


At 9 this morning and on Wednesday and Friday Professor Ernest May will lecture on the United States and the Spanish-American War--in his view the seminal period of U.S. foreign policy in the twentieth century. On subsequent M. W. F.'s May examines aspects of that policy: from big sticks to containment, from fourteen points to an alianaza para el progresso.


10 brings Anthropology 1, which is undoubtedly one of the most successful broad survey courss in the University: "Peoples of the Present and the Past; Their Cultures and Their Origins" is this course's billing--and those topics are indeed covered. Paleolithic men and cultures, Neolithic farming, the rise of urban civilization--is an invaluable half course.


Assistant Professor Sternberg's Match 267 ("Infinite Lie Groups and the Differential Geometry of G-Structures") wont' come till spring, but his more elementary Math 266 (called simply "Lie Groups") meets this term at 10, and the only prerequisite: merely a general knowledge of differential manifolds.


Professor Eugene Rochow's Black Magic 1 (Chemistry 1 in the catalogue) comes at 11--unquestionably the most engaging show since Merlin. He is rivalled, however, by another barker, Associate Professor Seymour ("And that's Rembrandt--more of him later: but now, tell you what I'm gonna do") Slive who offers this term a course on the dutch painters of the seventeenth century (Fine Arts 166).

Soc Rel 126, Professor Talcott Parson's approach to a unified theory of jargon, also comes at 11, and will concern itself with his rigorous categorizations of organism, personality, social systems and cultural systems. More elementary logical structures will be expounded at the same hour by Professor Willard Quine, whose Philosophy 140 is a classic unproductive to deductive logic.

Finally, again at 11, two contemporary history courses: Associate Professor Stanley Hoffman's masterly survey of French politics and society since the Revolution of 1789 (Gov. 114)--the reading list ranges from Toqueville and Prudhon to Malraux and Sartre in an attempt to define what's peculiar about the Gauls; and Soc Sci 118, Professor Lousi Hartz's provocative examination of democracy at bay--a half course called "Democratic Theory and Its Critics."


Come the noon hour, one course can be recommended without hesitation, the Schlesinger-less History 169, manned by Professor Donald Fleming, whose elegant caustic and welcomely epigrammatic lectures on the History of American intellectual thought (1789 to present) are delectable. The reading list is long and magnificent.

There remains one more pre-lunch course that may a tract: the Slavic department's the Slavic department's only course for the English-speakers: Professor Vsevolod Setschkareff's massive "History of Russian Literature from the Beginnings to the Present Day."

This afternoon, from 3-5, Associate Professor Albritton gives Philosophy 244, Wittgenstein's Blue and Brown Books. Match that.
