
Council Reform Group To Ask Faculty Advice

President Pusey, the Deans of the College, and representatives of the Government and Social Relations Departments will be invited to meet in coming weeks with the committee planning re-organization of the Student Council.

The Administrators will give their views on the role of a Council in the Harvard community. The government and social relations experts will then structure and function of the Council caused three Houses to withdraw their delegates.

Stephen A Pohl '62, chairman, listed four areas in which his committee will consider major changes:

1. Sire,--to make the Council more workable than the present group.

2. Procedure of electing delegates,--to improve the Council as a sounding board of student opinion.


3. Title,--of the group and its officers, to avoid alleged past abuses of power.

4. Finance.--to allow the Council to plan farther in advance than the present voluntary contributions permit.

In planning contribution, the committee would like to hear student as well as administration opinion, Pohl said. He added that the committee meetings will be open for students to at tend and ask questions, and possibly testify themselves.

The only administrator with a previously expressed opinion on Council reorganization is Dean Monro, who favors a plan similar to the one proposed by Dunster Hose Committee chairman William E. Bailey '62, a member of the current committee.

Bailey's plan is for a small Council of about 20 members to represent student opinion to the Administration. Membership would be based the the Houses and the freshman class only, with elimination of the present class elections. Power would be transferred from the Masters to the House Committees.

The Committee is now planning to offer its proposal near Thanksgiving, with the referendum coming in early December. Passage of Constitutional changes requires approval by two-thirds of the students voting.

The present state of the Council, bow, ever, remains in doubt. Three of the four officers no longer hold their posts. Former President Howard J. Phillips '62 is on Kwang S. Yum '62 has left school for financial reasons; and secretary Thomas E. Petri '62 resigned last year with the rest of the delegation from Quincy House.

The remaining officer, treasurer Charles M. Warchol '63 said last night authority would rest with one person. Any other plan would be "disorganized," officers now are "unnecessary."

The re-organization committee yesterday indicated it would favor another plan, providing for election of a caretaker executive committee to serve until the January elections.

This and other problems concerning the immediate course of the Council will be taken up at the first meeting tomorrow night.
