
Kermode Talks On English Lit This Afternoon

John Frank Kermode, John Edward Taylor Professor of English Literature at the University of Manchester and visiting professor at the Summer School, will speak on "Modern Literary Criticism and the Lay Reader" at Burr Hall B today at 4 p.m.

Author of several books on Shakespeare and instructor in the summer Shakespeare course, Kermode has written on Donne, Milton, Yeats, and Wallace Stevens.

Brattle Street Forum

The Brattle Street Forum next Tuesday will discuss genetics--"Formula for Man"--with Paul Mangelsdorf, professor of Botany; William Boyd, professor of Biochemistry at Boston University, Carroll Williams, Chairman of the Biology Department; George Lefevre, Jr., Director of the university Biology Labs; and Charles M. Woolf, associate professor of Zoology at the university of Utah. The informal televised session is scheduled for 4:30 p.m. in the Loeb Experimental Theatre.

Poetry Reading


Arthur Freeman will read from his own poetry next Wednesday at 4 p.m. in the Lamont Forum Room.

International Seminar Forum

The West Germany election and the politics of Pakistan and Ceylon will be the topics of the International Seminar open forum Wednesday night at 8 p.m., in Allston Burr Hall A.

Hans Gresmann, political editor of Die Zeit in Hamburg, will discuss the issues and personalities in the upcoming Brandt-Adenauer election campaign. Other speakers will be Aslam Siddiqi, Chief Information Officer of Pakistan (on the "Ideology, Security, and Development of Pakistan"), and Duraiswamy Rajendra, Deputy Comissioner of Local Government in Colombo (on "The politics of Evolution" in Ceylon).
