
Peace Corps Candidates to Arrive Monday for Training

The Peace Corps has designated the University to train 45 Corps candidates this summer in part of a cooperative program between Harvard and University College at Ibadan, Nigeria.

Monday, the trainees will arrive in Cambridge for a seven-week orientation session, prior to four months of instruction in Africa. In January the men and women will begin secondary-school teaching in Nigeria; each volunteer will teach one or more of the following subjects: English, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, and history.

Both the training program and the new overseas project will be announced in Washington today by R. Sargent Shriver, Jr., Director of the Peace Corps.

John U. Monro, Deans of the College, returned this week after a two-week tour of Nigeria to make preliminary arrangements for the cooperative program. Monro conferred with educational officials and visited schools in western Nigeria, the area to which Harvard trainees will be assigned. After Harvard trains the young volunteers, the Harvard trains the young volunteers, the University College at Ibadan will complete the orientation and practice teaching curriculum.

Monro has made final arrangements on the course curriculum at the University with leon D. Bramson, assistant professor of Social Relations and Director of Studies for the summer program, and Byron Stookey, Associate Director of advanced Standing and Administrative Dean for the program.


The Peace Corps candidates, all of whom are college graduates, will begin arriving in Cambridge Sunday. They will undergo medical examination Monday, attend a welcoming dinner Monday evening, and begin the regular training schedule Tuesday. They will use the classroom and residence facilities of the Graduate School of Business Administration across the Charles River.

The students take a short leave Sept. 7, reassemble at UCI Sept. 25, and then start teaching at the beginning of Nigeria's school year.

In Cambridge the session will be divided into four phases: "culture shock," problems of international affairs, Nigerian problems and American institutions, and Nigerian educational system.

Members of the faculty for the seven-week curriculum in Cambridge will be Paul Bohannan, of the Department of Anthropology at Northwestern; E. E. Ession Udom, of the Center for International Affairs at Harvard: Dr. Dena Farnsworth and staff of the University Medical Services; Martin Kilson, of the Department of Government at Harvard; Paul E. Sigmund, Jr., of the Department of Government at the University; Theodore Sizer, instructor in Education at Harvard, and a UCI faculty member to teach the Nigerian educational system.

The students, registered in the Summer School, will also hear visiting and permanent faculty members and guest speakers. Instruction will be through lectures, panels, large and small discussions, and films. "Students will be expected to educate themselves and each other," according to a prospectus released by Harvard, UCI and the Peace Corps. Evaluation of candidates will be through continuous examination and observation. Officials expect that 75 per cent of the applicants will survive the Harvard phase of the training.

The program for 45 students will cost an estimated $118,000--supplied by the Peace Corps and administered at Ibadan will supports part of the program.

Harvard now becomes the fifth American university of California at Berkeley, and Notre Dame.

Michigan State and UCLA also participate in similar programs, working with Harvard to help Nigeria.

The contract--still to be signed officially--is for one year. "We expect to continue to cooperative program in later years, if all goes well this time," and Monro last night.
