
McMurrin to Speak At Education Parley

Sterling M. McMurrin, U.S. Commissioner of Education, will speak tonight at the first session of the Summer School's annual Conference on Educational Administration.

McMurrin, former academic vice-president and professor of Philosophy at the University of Utah, will address school superintendents from 48 communities throughout the nation and Summer School students at Lowell Lecture Hall at 8:15 p.m. tonight.

The Conference--discussing "National Goals in Education"--concludes the tenth annual Advanced Administrative Institute of the Graduate School of Education, which has met here since July 10. Speaking today at an afternoon session at 2:15 p.m. in Baker Library at the Business School, Room 100, will be Kenneth W. Lund, Superintendent of Oak Park and River Forest High School in Oak Park, III., and Arthu S. Adams, president of the American Council on Education.

Natt B. Burbank, vice-president of the American Association of School Administrators and Superintendent of Schools in Boulder, Colo., will offer greetings and an AASA progress report at night.

Tomorrow in Baker 100, Harold B. Gores, president of Educational Facilities Laboratory, Inc., in New York, will discuss "National Goals in education" at 915 a.m.; and Lloyd S. Michael, Superintendent of Evanston, III., Township High School, and Paul J. Misner, Superintendent of Schools in Glencoe, III., will address the conference at 11 a.m.


In the concluding 11-day Institute gathering, school officials have discussed case studies of problems and changes in the field of education under the theme, "Perspectives for Educational Change."

Thursday Lecture Series

Sidney Hook will lecture on "Intelligence, Conscience, and the Right to Revolution" today in Burr Lecture Hall B Quest for Being, was published last month, has been professor of Philosophy at New York University since 1922. He is well known as a "pragmatic naturalist," and a philosophizer on education, politics, social conditions, and problems of existence, knowledge, and problems of existence, knowledge, and value.

Poetry Reading

Katherine Hoskins will be the featured speaker at the weekly poetry reading in Lamont Forum Room, Wednesday at 4 p.m.

Brattle Street Forum

The Brattle Street Forum will discuss "The City and History" next Tuesday in Loeb Experimental Theatre at 4:20 p.m. participants will be Dennis W. Brogan, professor of Political Science at the University of Cambridge; John E. Burchard, Dean of Humanities and Social Science at M.I.T.; Norton E. Long, professor of Political Science at Northwestern University; Carl E. Schorsks, professor of History at the University of California at Berkeley; and Shigeto Tsuru, professor of Economics at Hitotsubashi University in Tokyo.

International Seminar Forum

The general topic for the third in the series of International Seminar weekly forums will be Africa. Bennett Makalo Khaketla, a member of the Executive Council of the legislature of Basutoland, will talk on "Basutoland: Island in a Hostile Sea." The forum is scheduled for Wednesday, 8 p.m., at 6 Divinity Ave. It will be followed by an open reception.
