

In a stunning gesture of good will, the New York Times has decided to exempt Boston from its imminent price increase for outlying areas to 50c on Sundays. No one at the Times yesterday was able to explain why Boston (and, in this case, Washington) enjoys Mother Times favor; the only comment from the Times was, "I assure you, no politics was involved."

In any case, the news is welcome to all Sunday Times buffs in Cambridge and to CRIMSON readers who make do with the Times on the Sabbath, when the Crime closes down.

The staid Matron of 42nd St. has, in the past, raised our ire when she joshes at objections to the NDEA affidavit or confuses Ivy League admissions policy or attempts to knife our Mac. On this occasion we join with all of Cambridge (and Cantabrigians living in Washington) to hail the NYT.

With all the charity that befits the press, the CRIMSON will also maintain its regular $13 subscription fee in New York City and vicinity. Prices remain the same for the CRIMSON's International Edition (distributed weekdays from Paris and weekly from Tokyo, Manila and Melbourne, and from New York for South America), bound volumes, microfilm edition, and Index. Rates to other countries on request.
