
Summer Group Plans Four Shows in Loeb

Loeb Drama Center's summer company will present plays by Shakespeare, Anouilh, Shaw and Brecht in an eight-week season starting June 28, producer Joel F. Henning '61 announced yesterday.

Shakespeare's As You Like it will be the opening production, followed by Jean Anouilh's Antigone, which will run from July 12 to July 22. Both plays will be directed by John Hancock '61.

Joseph D. Everingham '49, who was staged many productions at MIT, will direct Shaw's Misalliance, opening at the Loeb July 26.

The season's fourth work has not been definitely selected, but the producers are negotiating for the rights to a Brecht play, and hope to complete the transaction in the near future. If the negotiations are successful, Hancock will also direct this production.

Henning and Charles W. Hayford '62 are the producers for the group. Ian Strasfogel '61 will design the sets.
