
'Cliffe Names 24 Scholars To Institute

Twenty-four women scholars, with specialities ranging from children's poetry to endocrine physiology, have been appointed to the Radcliffe Institute of Independent Study, Miss Constance E. Smith, Director of the Institute, announced yesterday.

Financial stipends ranging up to $3,000 will be paid to the 19 Associate Scholars, each of whom will work on independent projects approved by faculty members. Three Affiliate Scholars will take advanced courses in medicine and dentistry, preparing for medical practice.

According to Miss Smith, nearly 250 women applied for positions at the Institute, announced last fall by President Bunting. The Institute will cater particularly to married women, who have not been able to pursue extensive research. Twenty-two of the accepted applicants are married.

Mrs. Ursula Niebuhr, wife of Reinhold Niebuhr, will join the Institute staff as a Research Fellow. She plans to study some traditional respects of religion from the viewpoint of ego psychology.

Four Faculty Wives


The wives of four College professors will participate in the Institute. Mrs. Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka, wife of Hendrik S. Houthakker, professor of Economics, plans to publish a book, Phenomenology of Creative Experience. Mrs. Atarah Twersky will study Northern attitudes toward the Negro before the Civil War; she is married to Isadore Twersky, assistant professor of Hebrew.

Mrs. Denah Lida, wife of Raimundo Lida, professor of Romanco Languages, plans to study the 19th century Spanish novelist, Benito Perez Galdos. The fourth Faculty wife, Mrs. Brita K. Stendahl, wife of Krister Stendahl, John H. Morison Professor of New Testament Studies, will write essays on contemporary Swedish literature.

Only three of the Institute scholars come from outside Massachusetts. Miss Alice L. Dement, of San Jose, Cal., plans to finish a book encouraging gifted women to continue intellectual work. Mrs. Carol McCormick Crosswell, a lawyer from New York, will publish a work dealing with the techniques of business abroad. Miss Alma Wittlin, from Albuquerque, N.M., will study improved methods for teaching science to elementary school children.

A Research Associate in Physiology, Mrs. Hilda Weyl Sokol, will study fish endocrinology. Two poets, Mrs. Maxine W. Kumin and Mrs. Anne Sexton (who never attended college), will work at the Institute, in addition to painters Mrs. Lois Swirnoff and Mrs. Barbara Swan.

Miss Smith praised the quality of the scholars, and felt certain that "our first scholars will make important contributions to the success of this program."
