
Nine Plays Yale

After a gala alumni parade from Eliot House to the baseball diamond behind the Stadium, the varsity nine will face Yale today at 3 p.m. The Crimson, 10-10 on the season, would like revenge for what happened the last time the two teams clashed.

In that game, on May 22, the Bulldogs eked out a 1-0 victory on a home-plate decision that was, to say the least, loudly disputed. The play came in the last of the ninth, with Yale leading, 1 to 0, and with Eli Bob Kelly working on a three-hitter.

The Crimson's Dave Morse drew a walk to open the inning, stole second, and went to third when captain Al Martin flied out to left. For an as yet unexplained reason, coach Norm Shepard ordered Charlie Ravenel to pull a squeeze bunt. He did, and Morse was called out at the plate in a cloud of dust.

In seconds, the Crimson bench was empty, but no amount of yelling could do any good. Phil Bernstein grounded to second to end the game.

The Lineup


Today's varsity lineup is expected to include Bernstein at first, Martin at second, Mike Drummey at third, Morse at shortstop, Ravenel in left, Dick Shima in center, and Billy Rodgers in right. Dick Diehl will catch, and Tom Boone or Al Yarbro will pitch.
